I pre-ordered and pre-loaded Rome 2 around Aug 30th. There were initial problems with unpacking files on release but it worked after the first patch. When I click play the "preparing to Launch" message flashes then nothing happens. When I click the Rome2.exe nothing happens. When I click Launcher.exe it gives the error message "Failed to initialise Steam! Are you running Steam?".

Language: English (Regional Setting: English) Removed Rome 2 data with regcleaner and reinstalling Installing the "Other Drivers" which include DirectX, PhysX, and Visual C++ Updating the game after a Language change Reinstalling Directx and Redist and secondary installers again Reinstalling Directx and Redist and secondary installers Deleting local Rome 2 content and reinstalling I have contacted steamsupport and sega support and looked through all installation fixes in the support forum.